Membership Application & Renewal

Membership expires at the AGM. Remember if you were a paid up member last year and if you renew before the end of May, your membership will be deemed to be continuous.

Email List: You will be automatically entered to receive news of what’s happening locally throughout the year. Tick the no box below if you wish to opt out of this. We guarantee your email address will only be used for TFF Members’ news and is protected under the privacy act.

Please read the Tablelands Folk Festival Membership Policy and Guidelines document.

Membership Form – New & Renewal

It is understood that the applicant shall agree to abide by the Rules of the Tablelands Folk Festival Association Incorporated.

The Association consists of the following Membership Types:

Internet Banking Details: Bendigo Bank: BSB 633 000 A/c No: 158 672 808 A/c Name: Tablelands Folk Festival Assn. Reference ‘Your Name’
