
Tablelands Folk Festival is totally run by volunteers, and encourages community & family participation. Join us, express your creativity and have some fun!

Songwriter’s Competition

Tablelands Folk Festival Songwriter’s competition began in 2012 and has continued over the past two years as a competition providing an award for a winning songwriter. If you are a songwriter, you are encouraged to enter the Tablelands Folk Festival Songwriter’s Competition to share your song for the chance to win this prestigious award and a star turn on a main performance stage where the winning songwriter will showcase their song.
When Expressions of Interest open, view the info box on this website’s home page to apply.


Tablelands Folk Festival like most festivals in Australia depends on volunteers. Each year over 80 people generously contribute their time and skills to our local Festival to make it happen and have a ball doing it. A special benefit for working eight or more hours is an invitation to the Volunteers’ Party.
When Expressions of Interest open, view the info box on this website’s home page to apply.

Market Stalls

The market at the Tablelands Folk Festival gives a great opportunity for trading. TFF like to have a market that represents the interests and needs of festival goers.
When Expressions of Interest open, view the info box on this website’s home page to apply.

Accommodation Invitation

Want to get the most from your festival this year? Host an artist or two and experience the Festival from the inside out. Accommodation for a range of talented, interesting people is required for the Festival weekend. In exchange you not only get to share time with inspiring guests, you also receive a complimentary weekend ticket. Beds only required. Interested? Email us for details.

Want more shade and a cooler Tablelands Folk Festival?

All you have to do is collect and deliver ALL of your eligible containers to your nearest Qld Gov Container Refund Scheme collection point and quote C10001843 and your wish will be granted.

Your recycled containers will fund temporary shade in the form of marquees and parachute sails. It takes a Community of Folk to solve a problem this big – GO HARD! See you (in the shade) at the next TFF.

For more info about the Refund Scheme go to the website